Almost a month since my last post, I can hardly believe that! Spring has arrived in full force, and it was definitely time for me to do a little clean up! Knowing how and when to prune your plants can be a bit of a challenge when you aren't sure what they are. My tried and true method is to Google a description of the plant, look through images, and find one that looks just like your plant. =) Once you have the name, you can do a little more research on the plant in question.
I pruned the rose bush I hate down to about a foot from the ground. Please disregard the weeds. They are next on my long spring to-do list. =)
Hibiscus is supposed to be pruned down about a third in the spring. Here you can see the before and after on the only plants in the front I like. The longer I live here, the more irritated I become by the unfortunate plant choices that are in the front. My shovel keeps calling my name.
"Angela. Stop being a pansy and dig out the ugly plants." - Your shovel
I found out this plant is a purple leaf sand cherry. I can't prune it until after it flowers, which is currently happening. Finally, the daffodils and tulips are poking up again.
Oh gosh, the weeds!!!! This mild winter gave them quite a head start... I better get to work.