Jan 22, 2012

"Sometimes when you lose...

You really win."  Okay, so I probably watched White Men Can't Jump too many times when I was younger.  What can I say, the basketball obsession started at a young age.  =)  However, this quote stuck with me for one reason or another.  There is actually a whole dialogue that I can quote, but I won't do that here.  The point of this post (I know, I know get to the point!) is that you can actually win by losing.  Sometimes.

I was going to extol the benefits of growing your own herbs indoors in the winter.  It doesn't require much but a window that faces South, and some water.  Unfortunately, due to the craziness of life, I kind of forgot that second part.

I did have some beautiful Italian Oregano and Thyme here that I painstakingly transplanted and nurtured for the last year and a half.  Seems like a loss, no?  NO!! The fantastic thing about inadvertently killing my herbs is that I can now strip the plants to have dried herbs.  (Yes, they are THAT dead.)  The other benefit is that I can head to my local nursery and see what they have growing, while I pick out new herbs to try not to kill.  =)  Somedays I wonder why anyone would follow my gardening advice.

Okay, most days.  =)

Jan 2, 2012

Still Waiting

Yes, I am still waiting for my tender edibles (broccoli) to make an appearance.  I was a little scared that my broccoli wouldn't survive, as I was out of town for an extended amount of time.  However, I found to my surprise that one additional benefit of having the broccoli in the sun box is that is requires less water.  With all of the mild temperatures, I might have a chance of seeing broccoli before the freezing cold  of winter sets in. 

Don't tell anyone, but I am ready for snow!!  People around here think I am a freak.  However, when you don't grow up with it, it is still a fun novelty.  I even like to shovel.  Shhhh! 

What was I talking about again? =)  Oh, yes, broccoli. 

It has gotten taller and leafier and I know the day will come soon when I can eat broccoli and complain to myself that I should have planted more.   =)  Stay tuned!