Jun 24, 2011

Save Yourselves!!

I can't help but show you all how my garden is growing.  There have been setbacks.  There have been successes.  I have learned so much, and I am happiest when I am out working in my garden.  It has affected a fever of some sort, where I now look at every empty patch of land and think, "Community garden.  That spot gets full sun!!  And it is a wasted space!!  It would be perfect for a community garden!!"  Someone save me from garden insanity.  Or better yet... Save yourselves!!! 

The corn, marigolds, and eggplant are growing away, and my herbs are doing well too. 

My jalapeno is struggling a little bit.  The zucchini is supposed to fill out 9 square feet!!  So it takes up a lot of potential space that I am trying to patiently leave empty for now.

Here's a close-up of the corn.

The cucumber plants are growing strong, but I am still waiting for some sign of actual cucumbers to appear. 

My cauliflower was attacked by killer caterpillars.  I thought it was the hail we got, but realized none of my other plants were damaged.  So, I handpicked those little pests off. It's trying to make a comeback, but I'm not sure if I will get to taste any cauliflower.  =(

Overall, this bed is looking full right now, especially compared to the other one.  But, I was determined to grow zucchini!  So, again, don't be like me when you have your garden.  Don't lose your mind to garden insanity. 

On second thought, do it!!  Garden insanity, what a way to go.  =) 


  1. Looking good! So glad I am caught up on your blog and get to see you and the fruits of your labor in person Sunday :)

  2. MMMM! eggplant Parmesan......creamed corn......zucchini bread......I can hardly wait!!
