Jul 21, 2011

You win some, you know the rest...

As I have previously mentioned, my grape tomato plant is a producing machine!!  It's amazing to go out and see the tiny burst of red up against the lush green.

See what I mean?  =)  This has led to a small harvest and some tomatoes that are a day or two away from being ripe.  Let me tell you, nothing tastes as wonderful as home grown tomatoes.  If you are going to grow anything, grow a tomato plant!!

Then you might be as happy as me, snacking on fresh tomatoes!  I have other good garden news...  The 2nd eggplant I have is showing some tiny beginnings.

AND, I can now show you the world's tiniest melon!! 

It was so tiny that I couldn't get a really clear focus.  I hope you will forgive my poor photography skills.  But really, what choice do you have?  =) 

Now for the bad news... All my adorable dwarf Alberta spruce trees did not survive the heat.  It's really awful!

And sad... Awfully sad.  What can I say?  You win some, you lose some.  =/

1 comment:

  1. Poor dwarves :( But, those grape tomatoes DO look scrumptious!
